Xubuntu 13.10 Sound issues (skype distorted, microphone crackling, sound indicator disabled)

October 21, 2013

Again, after upgrade to Xubuntu 13.10 (64bit) I have faced few issues with sound. Luckily all those were possible to easily fix.

Credits go to original post authors.

Crackling microphone (in all application, most in Skype)

As described here, edit file


sudo mousepad /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.conf

Add to the end of the file:

options snd-hda-intel position_fix=3

Note: Some suggest to add options snd-hda-intel position_fix=1

Skype – no sound o distorted sound

Distorted sound or no sound at all in Skype can be fixed by modifying file


sudo mousepad /etc/pulse/default.pa

Find line with

load-module module-udev-detect

and change it to

load-module module-udev-detect tsched=0

This fix was found here.

Sound (volume) indicator disabled

This is known issue in Xubuntu 13.10 release.
Until it is fixed, you can use this.

Edit file


sudo mousepad /usr/share/dbus-1/services/indicator-sound.service

comment line


and add new line after it

Exec=/bin/sh -c 'if [ -n "$(ps -U $USER | grep xfce4-panel)" ]; then /usr/lib/indicator-sound-gtk2/indicator-sound-service;else /usr/lib/$(arch)-linux-gnu/indicator-sound/indicator-sound-service;fi'